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curated by Sean Alward

James Weber, Habitations in Nootka Sound, 1778, ink and watercolour on paper, Library NSW
Detail of Image 1
Engraving after James Weber, Habitations in Nootka Sound, published 1784
Detail of a shell midden. (photo by Sean Alward)))
Stan Douglas, Collapsed Structure,1996
Charles Edenshaw, Platter, argylite, pre-1894
Fungus Man detail
William Hind, Prospecting, oil on canvas,1862
Bill Reid, Gold Box with Eagle
Harry T. Devine, Real Estate Office in Big Tree, 1886
Ken Lum, A Woodcutter and His Wife
LIz Magor, Burrow, 1999
Marina Roy, Apartment, 2008
Boat launch on Quadra Island. 20th century? (photo by authour)
Ebony Rose, Four Corners, 2017
Maxwell Bates Beautiful BC, 1968, oil on canvas.jpg


under, below:

subaltern, subconscious, subdivision, subdue, subject, sublet, sublime, submerge, subterranean, subtle, subtraction, suburb, subversion

All the images in this selection relate to the conjunction of history, landscape, material substance, and value here on the Pacific Northwest Coast in what is now called British Columbia. I'm sure there are similar things going on wherever you live too...

Exhibition 1: SUB: Gallery
Exhibition 1: SUB: Text
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